Born in Verona, Italy
Singer, composer and songwriter
Lead vocalist, recording and live artist.

Songwriter and singer in:
Soundit: "Acustika" (Edel)
Anna: "La Relatività", (Edel)
Special guest vocalist in Tango Recompilatorio
(Cd Yourself)
Special guest vocalist in "Aperobossa" (Cd Yourself)
Floating Beat (AR Production)
Songwriter and backing vocalist in:
Striscia la Compilation: "The Whip", (Universal)
Striscia la Compilation: "Duel"(Universal)
Special guest vocalist in "Il Suono di Aquaria"
(Acquaria, Sirmione)
Lead vocalist in AMP "Eagles" (Azzurra Music)
Songwriter and vocalist for the Palablu Music Show 2007,
Gardaland, Peschiera, Italy.
Songwriter of "Albero Magico", Gardaland, Peschiera, Italy.
Songwriter and singer in “Soundit: Here" (self production)
Composer and lead vocalist for:
Trentingrana è, Tv commercial.
Sei più carina, Barbie. Mattel, italian tv commercial jingle.
It's all about Barbie, UK tv commercial jingle.
Vocalist in:
Where would you get there, Barbie, american tv commercial jingle.

Performance experience:
She has been in multiple bands and has sung in several theaters, venues, Festivals, such as:
Marostica Jazz Festival, Sarzana Guitar Acoustic Meeting,
Pelago On the Road Festival, Ferrara Buskers Festival,
Novara Street Festival, Santa Sofia Festival, Gubbio Festival,
San Marino Festival, Palasport in Verona, Paleur in Rome,
Gondola D'Oro tv show, Biennale in Venice.

S.I.A.E Songwriting Degree at Centro Europeo Tuscolano, Italy,
(Prof.Mogol, Cheope)
Master Certificate Estill Voice Training System,
EVTS, Milan, Italy.
Workshops with Jo Estill from 1995 until 2005,
in Milan, Florence,Rome, Italy.
Vocal Jazz Imrpovisation with Bob Stoloff
in Bologna, Italy.
Vocal technique and Jazz Improvisation
with Barry Harris, A.Bakja, G.Ravazzi, F.Oliveri, in Loano, Italy.
Workshop with Franco D'Andrea, IMV Bolzano, Italy.
Workshop with Anne Marie Speed, London.
Piano with Franca Radivo, Monica Cera, Verona.